Directions to Main Office:
South San Francisco Law Office
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From Hwy 101:
When reaching San Bruno, take 380 West. Exit at El Camino Real (82) North. Turn right onto El Camino Real North to first stoplight which is Sneath Lane (immediately past Tanforan Shopping Center). Turn right onto Sneath Lane. Turn left onto Huntington Avenue. Turn right into the first driveway after the first light. After entering, 1435 is the building on the left. You may park in spaces labeled LITWIN. There are two spaces in the middle of the building between two awnings which are specifically kept available for clients.
From Hwy 280:
When reaching San Bruno, take 380 East (toward S.F. Airport). Exit at El Camino Real (82) North. Turn left onto El Camino Real to second stoplight which is Sneath Lane (immediately past Tanforan Shopping Center). Turn right onto Sneath Lane. Turn left onto Huntington Avenue. Turn right into the first driveway after the first light. After entering, 1435 is the building on the left. You may park in spaces labeled LITWIN. There are two spaces in the middle of the building between two awnings which are specifically kept available for clients.
Directions to Santa Clara Office:
Santa Clara Law Office
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We are located in the Techmart Building next to the Santa Clara Convention Center and the Westin Hotel.
From 101, take the Great America Parkway exit and continue east to 5201 Great America Parkway. After crossing Tasman, the first driveway on the right is the Westin Hotel. The second driveway on the right has a sign for Techmart. There is also a traffic light and a street sign which says Bunker Hill Lane, turn right into this driveway.
The building is on the left and 2-hour free parking is usually available in the front of the building. If not, parking is available in the Convention Center parking garage. Take the elevator to the third floor to suite 320