How Do I Become a United States Citizen?
Location: Marin, CA
When I was 15 I became a U.S resident with my father who was also became a U.S resident. He became a U.S Citizen two years later when I was 17.
What do I have to do to become a U.S Citizen? I am currently 20 years old.
Thank you much.
You may have automatically become a U.S. citizen at the time your father became a U.S. citizen, if the legal requirements were met. A lawful permanent resident under the age of 18 will derive citizenship when at least one parent becomes a U.S. citizen through naturalization if the child was under 18 and residing in the U.S. in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent pursuant to lawful admission for permanent residence.
We usually recommend the filing of an N-600 and then a US passport. While not necessarily required it provides a naturalization certificate which some agencies require in addition to the US passport.
Mr. Smith is an attorney with over 25 years of immigration experience with complex immigration issues and successful filings. His response to your question is general in nature, as not all the facts are known to him. You should retain an attorney experienced in immigration law to review all the facts in your case in order to receive advice specific to your case. Mr. Smith’s statement above does not create an attorney/client relationship.