USCIS recently determined the need to select additional registrations to reach the fiscal year (FY) 2022 H-1B numerical allocations, including the advanced degree exemption. On Nov. 19, USCIS selected additional registrations from among previously submitted electronic registrations using a random selection process. The petition filing period based on registrations selected on Nov. 19 will begin on Nov. 22, 2021, and close on Feb. 23, 2022. Individuals with selected registrations will have their myUSCIS accounts updated to include a selection notice, which includes details about when and where to file.

Petitioners filing H-1B cap-subject petitions, including those petitions eligible for the advanced degree exemption, must still establish eligibility for petition approval at the time the petition is filed and through adjudication, based on existing statutory and regulatory requirements. Selection in the registration process does not relieve the petitioner from submitting evidence or otherwise establishing eligibility, as registration only pertains to eligibility to file the H-1B cap-subject petition.
Our attorneys are experienced and knowledgeable in all opportunities and requirements associated with non-immigrant H visas. The immigration law firm of Litwin & Smith assists United States employers and foreign nationals in obtaining H1B visas. These visas enable foreign professionals to work in the U.S. temporarily on a short- or long-term basis. Contact us if you are a foreign professional seeking an H1B visa or an employer wishing to hire a non-U.S. citizen for employment.
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The H-1B visa is one of the most coveted non-immigrant visas. It is an appealing visa option due to foreign nationals’ ability to have dual intent (the intent to enter the U.S. on a temporary work visa and obtain an adjustment of status to an immigrant visa eventually). The efficient, accurate filing of your visa application is paramount to the success of your case.
For more information see: USCIS Conducts Third Random Selection from Previously Submitted FY 2022 H-1B Cap Registrations